I’m Katarzyna Ostasz
Certified Silva Method Instructor
Helping You To Reach and Use an Alpha Level for Healing and Manifesting
How to reach an alpha level consciously and how to use it for healing and manifesting?
These are some of the most common questions I hear from you…and I come to you with an answer.
By learning to function with awareness at the deeper alpha frequency, you will manage your internal state, thereby allowing you to focus your thinking, finding solutions quickly and manifesting your goals. At the same time, you develop and build your creative side. Eventually, you awaken your intuition, psychic awareness and learn to sense valuable information through other than your five physical senses.
Helping You Achieve Success
Unlock Your Full Potential. Awaken the GENIUS within
People just like you have learned to function at lower brain frequencies with awareness as they know that subjective functioning will improve and/or change their life for the better.
Learn how to awaken the genius within
Find out the secret of your success
Learn how to use the right brain hemisphere for thinking
Discover how to attune for success
Learn how to reinforce the programming
Recognize the feedback as an information in response to your programming
Discover how to attune for success
Goal Achievement
By functioning at alpha level you can faster and easier achieve your goals
Relationship Improvement
By functioning at alpha level you can improve your personal, business and professional relationships
Stress Management
By functioning at alpha level you can work on your stress management
Career Growth
By functioning at alpha you can improve or change with a huge success your career
Awakening the Genius Within
Scientific research over the last several decades has revealed that the most successful people use their minds differently that the average person. They use more of their mind potential and use it in a special manner. My online trainings based on the Silva method approach show you how to use more of your mind in a positive and creative manner.
Moreover, the independent scientific studies have demonstrated that alpha brainwave activity is associated with inner levels of mental awareness, tranquillity, rest and relaxation. This alpha activity is also associated with inspiration, creativity, accelerated healing, concentration, learning and psychic abilities.
The key to awakening the genius within is to develop creative, intuitive thinking with a refined awareness, allowing you to function at your best.
You can use what you’ll learn from my online trainings to more effectively solve problems in your life and on this planet.
With practice, you can enhance your new abilities and skills and make positive changes in your health, personal growth, emotional well-being and prosperity.
You can make your world a better place in which to live.
What do you want to accomplish?
Everything is possible. However, first you must know how to reach an alpha level and then how to use it for achieving your goals.
About Me
I am a modern woman, raising a family, running the businesses, nurturing a beautiful marriage, and creating time to take care of myself.
My life has changed 180 degrees since I started consciously and regulary functioning at the alpha level.
I am healthier and active than 10 year ago, fulfilled on personal, business and professional levels, enjoying everyday life.
I am dedicated to empowering your mind and activating your intuition, so you can create a better world for you.

How to reach an alpha level? Step by step guide
How to use an alpha level for healing and manifesting?

What you will learn during the training?
How to awaken the Genius within?
The difference between left and right brain hemispheres.
How to use the right brain hemisphere for thinking?
What is the secret of our success?
Steps to meditation.
What are the deepening techniques?
How to reach an alpha level?

What you will learn during the training?
How to achieve what you desire in five steps?
Why everything what you can imagine is real?
What is a mental screen and how to properly use it for programming?
How to attune for success?
How to use an alpha level for healing and manifesting?
How to reinforce the programming?
How to recognize a feedback as an information in response to your programming?
Buy two trainings in lower price

What you will learn in the trainings?
How to awaken the Genius within?
The difference between left and right brain hemispheres.
How to use the right brain hemisphere for thinking?
What is the secret of our success?
Steps to meditation.
What are the deepening techniques?
How to reach an alpha level?
How to achieve what you desire in five steps?
Why everything what you can imagine is real?
What is a mental screen and how to properly use it for programming?
How to attune for success?
How to use an alpha level for healing and manifesting?
How to reinforce the programming?
How to recognize a feedback as an information in response to your programming?
“Katarzyna is a marvellous teacher of the Silva method. She shares her knowledge & experience in a gentle yet persuasive manner, encouraging participants to achieve quality results. The Silva Method is a simple yet powerful method which will help attract your dreams & improve your life. Kasia’s welcoming nature & professional approach is eminent. I fully recommend Kasia as a trainer & coach.”
Rachel Brady
“Katarzyna’s enthusiasm for what she does is infectious and she really does help to bring out the very best in people. Most importantly her enthusiasm is combined with realism and sound advice providing fresh insights which are tailored to the individual. She’s also spontaneous and willing to go off in directions not initially anticipated to help her client get the most out of themselves.“
William Murphy
“Katarzyna is a very warm, positively set and smiling person. I have been observing the development of her career for many years and I am impressed by the ambition and continuous development of knowledge by participating in training and gaining further certificates.“
Dagmara Skrobich
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