Special Deal


Unlock Your Full Potential. Say Hello to THE NEW YOU!

You already know ( as you are here ;)) that your thoughts become things – and that your mind is the key to ideal reality. But let’s be real – if the science of manifesting really is the key to all the abundance, health and love mind can imagine…why is your life still a roller coaster of ups and downs? And why aren’t you living your ideal reality?


Imagine being able to manifest:

  • Better physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing
  • Lucrative business or investment opportunities
  • A natural magnetism for wealth
  • Creative solutions and answers to challenges at business, at work, at home
  • Greater prosperity and feel how great it is to feel secure
  • Abundance easily and effortlessly
  • Be healthy, flexible and pain free
  • Feel secure, at peace and in control of life especially when it comes to money
  • Grow, evolve and get better when it comes to your skills, talents and the way you earn a living
  • Sleep deeply and awaken energized

These VIP individual sessions are designed to work with specific issues you are dealing with in the present moment. They are tailored to your personal needs. Before the process, you need to feel out a questionnaire that will help me to understand your challenges. I’ll provide you with a STEP-BY-STEP, a proven process (theory &practise) for mastering your mind-body healing and manifestation skills.

TIME: One healing session lasts 90 minutes. 8 sessions are included in this SPECIAL DEAL offer to help you to understand, practise and implement tools for your health improvement and manifestation the life of your desire.

COST: 8 VIP healing sessions – 1280 ( 1 session – 160)

TOOLS and TECHNIQUES are provided and included in the cost for your home practise and support.